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By Sameer Sen | 23 Oct, 2021

Organised Innovation

Is it that simple?

Thinking out of the box can be best described in the words of the great Henry Ford: “I see no advantage in the new clocks. They run no faster than the ones made 100 years ago.”

From the very first stages of learning, we are innovating. Building structures, making use of the very few available Lego Blocks, was a kind of innovation. I believe everyone is innovative, some find it in their creativity and others fail to see the part it plays in their daily routine. The simple question is, if we can all be innovative as a child then why not as adults?

There are four basic things innovation needs, be that building with blocks as a child, or coming up with an idea that is totally outside the box. They are, play-time, teamwork, mistakes, and understanding. A child follows the same process when using building-a-blocks by sharing his/her play time with others and learning and understanding from his/her previous mistakes. Steve Jobs is considered one of the greatest innovators of our time and he, too, would have followed the same path. He played around with ideas that he thought could make people happy, he then shared it with others who had similar passion, learned from his mistakes, and came up with something totally out of the box.

One thing I have learned about innovation is, it cannot be found everywhere but it can certainly be developed anywhere. The most important part of this is to organise the intensity and creative passion you possess. Innovation is not about where you look, but always about what you look for. Thinking differently is in the way you organise your mind to think in a particular direction with the most focus. This can be best described in the words of the great Henry Ford: “I see no advantage in the new clocks. They run no faster than the ones made 100 years ago.”

I believe a simple act of saving our natural resources is a kind of innovation. Creating something new is not unique but organising it in a way to make lives better is absolutely something different, because not everyone possesses the passion to do it. As it is said, Innovation is difficult but it is not impossible.